

The Stone County Library built with gifts from many individuals as well as public monies, is for the benefit of all who choose to enjoy its facilities. The current location, 326 West Washington Street, was dedicated in 1992, and named after Dr. Bessie Boehm Moore in recognition of her efforts and vision for this library, and the generous $100,000 contribution, given in memory of her father. Stone County Library is a member of the White River Regional Library and is governed by a five member library board appointed by the Stone County Judge.

Dr. Bessie Boehm Moore

Dr. Moore moved to Stone County as a young girl. At age fourteen she took the teacher's exam and was hired to teach in the Mountain View area. Her interest in libraries began early in her career. In 1966 she was appointed by President Lyndon Johnson to the National Advisory Commission on libraries where she served until 1988 due to successive appointments by U.S. Presidents Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan. She also served as chair of the Ozark Folk Cultural Commission. Her efforts in this position culminated with the building of the Ozark Folk Center State Park in Mountain View, Arkansas. Needless to say, Dr. Bessie Boehm Moore left a legacy like no other and The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture elaborates even more about her years as an educator and civic leader.

Friends of the Stone County Library

The Friends of the Stone County Library was established in 1994 and is a group dedicated to the support of the Stone County Library. Over the years they have donated many thousands of dollars to the library. This money has been used to purchase furnishings, books, DVD’s and to support our children’s programs.

They raise money by holding a book sale on the first Saturday of each month. This sale is held at the library in the Edith Lowe Conference Room. The library is so appreciative of all their hard work and their dedication to the Stone County Library.